Emily’s Blog

The Role of Rest Days in Fitness and Recovery.
Emily Masters Emily Masters

The Role of Rest Days in Fitness and Recovery.

In the world of fitness, there’s a prevailing notion that pushing harder and working out more frequently will yield better results. While dedication and consistency are key components of any fitness regimen, equally important is the concept of rest days. As a Perth physiotherapist, I’ve seen firsthand how crucial rest days are for muscle recovery and overall health. In this blog, I’ll explain why rest days are essential, how they contribute to fitness recovery, and offer insights into integrating them into your routine effectively. If you’re looking for tailored advice, Perth Physiotherapy Services are here to help.

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The Importance of Regular Movement for Desk Job Professionals
Emily Masters Emily Masters

The Importance of Regular Movement for Desk Job Professionals

In today’s fast-paced world, desk jobs have become the norm for many professionals. While these jobs offer numerous benefits, such as stability and the convenience of working in a controlled environment, they also come with their own set of challenges, particularly related to physical health. One of the most significant issues faced by desk job professionals is the lack of regular movement. Today, I want to delve into the importance of regular movement, especially for those of us bound to our desks, and how physiotherapy can be a game-changer in maintaining workplace fitness and health.

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Top 10 Exercises to Relieve Back Pain: Expert Advice from Perth Physiotherapists
Emily Masters Emily Masters

Top 10 Exercises to Relieve Back Pain: Expert Advice from Perth Physiotherapists

Back pain is a common ailment that affects a significant portion of the population at some point in their lives. It can stem from various factors, such as poor posture, a sedentary lifestyle, overexertion, or even chronic conditions. However, not all hope is lost. This blog will guide you through the top 10 exercises designed to alleviate back pain, improve your quality of life, and restore your back's health.

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The Comprehensive Guide to Physiotherapy in Australia
Emily Masters Emily Masters

The Comprehensive Guide to Physiotherapy in Australia

Physiotherapy is a cornerstone of non-invasive healthcare, offering a beacon of hope and recovery for individuals grappling with a wide range of physical ailments. In Australia, the realm of physiotherapy encompasses a variety of treatments designed to restore, maintain, and maximise mobility, function, and well-being. This guide dives into what physiotherapy involves, its costs, coverage under Medicare, and how to find the right physiotherapist, while also highlighting the undeniable benefits of engaging in physiotherapy.

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